The Gifts Of Christmas

The Gifts Of Christmas

Christmas is a time of wonder and hope, it always has been a time of year that renews my ability to dream. Anything is possible at Christmas time. Recently I read through the Christmas story from the book of Luke in the Bible, I was on the hunt for some gifts from God that would renew my ability to have hope and faith in His work in my life.

For some, this season can feel overwhelming or sad and leave you feeling empty when all the glitz and glam of the holiday season doesn’t fulfill you like it claims it will. “There has to be something more?” you wonder? Charlie Brown wondered the same thing.

There is something more, so much more. For the last four years I have been making a conscious effort to wrap myself in the gifts of Christmas that have been given to us for centuries through the gift of Christ. The baby and His story unfold in a new wondrous way for me every year and I am so glad for that. That I need to keep wondering, searching with glistening star struck, child like eyes, there has to be more. I don’t ever want to lose that Christmas wonderment. And maybe that, in itself, the wonder of Christ birth, the extravagant gift of a baby, that we will never fully be able to grasp until we meet Christ ourselves, is the greatest gift of all. The wonder!

As I write this, I am starting to cry. I am overwhelmed by the gifts that are poured on me daily by my Heavenly Father, especially when I do not deserve them. I celebrate in all of the festivities and adorn myself in glitter, red and sequins as a way to show my enthusiasm for the Christmas season but I will not let the sparkle of this world outshine or hide my heart from the gifts God has prepared for me to receive this year.

I favour Christmas Eve to Christmas morning, the anticipation and wonder of the magical evening trumps the actual gifts on Christmas morning every year. Each Christmas season I am presented with new gifts, true treasures to behold about God and the wonder of who He is and how He loves us. Over the next few weeks I am excited to share these gifts with you. I am excited to celebrate these gifts with you and I am excited to unwrap gifts with you that will take us on journeys that allow the gifts of Christmas to be ever present in our actions, words and thoughts all year long.

Merry Christmas

I love you!
