How To Walk By Faith

Walk by faith. We hear this phrase often, its small, easy to say and sounds great but have you ever actually walked through a storm, fully on faith in God?

Have your circumstances every said no but the promises of God say yes?

Have you ever chosen to trust when every fibre of your being is telling you not to?

Walking by faith is incredibly uncomfortable. God has met me there though, in the middle when everything feels dark and I was searching for the light, He meets me there. On the other side of my faith walks, I have a deeper understanding of who God is, I can recognize His voice better and I am stronger for the next battle I face. The faith walk does not get easier, but every time I choose to trust God by faith, He makes me stronger.

Here are some faith walking strategies I have developed from my own faith walks.

  1. Read the Bible. This sounds so simple but reading the Bible has helped me better understand who God is, what promises He has for me and what His voice sounds like. This makes it easier to trust Him. Read the Bible, get to know God, better understand where He needs you to go and what He needs you to do.

  2. Worship. In the middle of a storm, the last thing I want to do is worship but when I do, the character of God and His abilities is amplified and my problems become smaller in comparison to how great our Heavenly Father is. Blast that worship music to drown out the lies of the enemy, you will be under attack in moments of weakness as you draw near to God, be on guard.

  3. Request Prayer. This one is the most tough for me. I do not ever want to be a burden to others and I like to get everything under control myself but asking others to pray for me brings so much of Gods power into the situation and will also bless those praying for me.

I would love to share how your strengthen your faith when walking through a dark season, in the comments below.

Isaiah 45:2 I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.