A New Routine

I am in a pretty good routine right now where I get up before work to go to the gym, get ready for work there and then start my day.  I am really enjoying this time in the morning dedicated to myself getting energized, healthy and positive for whatever the day has in store for me.

I have been loving playlists and music from Songza, its fresh everyday and keeps me moving.  To keep my workouts interesting without the help from classes or a personal trainer, I have been working off my Fitness Pin Board.  Every few days I search Pinterest and the internet for new routines, pin them to my Fitness pin board and bam, new workouts everyday.

I am in my fourth week in a row in this routine and today while I was working out I decided I would try to make up my own routine.  Below is the one I am going to attempt tomorrow, I will let you know how it goes and if you should pin it to your own Fitness Pin Board.