I have been giving lots of thought as to how I can work towards a better me everyday and live each day like New Years Day.  The reason I went into this year looking at each day as a fresh start is because that is exactly what it is.  I am imperfect, I have amazing days, in-between days and really bad days but thats my life and I try to ride each of those days for what they are.  If I did something yesterday I am not happy with or feel bad about, I give it some thought and try not to do that thing in the future.  Even with this thought process, there will still be bad days because thats life.  So, heres to a new day!

Here are some of the things I am working on.

1.  Reading More

I am a binge TV watcher and since getting pregnant and signing up for Netflix, it is becoming increasingly difficult to go to bed at a reasonable hour on the weekend.  I am not giving up TV completely, I am simply trying to read more and watch less TV.  I am currently reading "Darling You Can't Do Both And Other Noise To Ignore On Your Way Up".  I got this book after attending a presentation by one of the authors, so far it's an interesting read.  You can grab a copy at Sarnia Bookkeeper.

2.  Get Motivated

While reading my book I thought "I need a book mark!".  In place of bookmarks I have written inspirational quotes and Bible verses on a bunch of que cards and am using them as markers in anything that requires one around the house.

3.  Get Up Earlier

The motivational markers are also geared towards getting my behind out of my warm bed on cold mornings before Luke wakes up.  He is a great sleeper and I want to start taking advantage of his schedule and hitting my yoga mat, reading the Bible and praying before I start my day.

4.  Improve Our Diet

I don't believe in diets, I believe in balance; putting good things in your body, treats, movement and habits that are realistic for my lifestyle.  I am just trying to put more good things in our bodies to keep us fuelled through the remainder of the winter.   I am finding endless food inspiration on Pinterest, you can check out my boards here My Pin Boards.

5. Keep The Creative Juices Flowing

I made some of my Christmas gifts last year and decorations, and I found that working with my hands really helps to free my mind.  I have some new home decor projects planned for the next few months which I will be sharing here as well as some sewing, knitting and crocheting projects.

What are you working on?