Creating Your Own Trail

Picture a bush lot.

You bring what you have; your tent, a lawn mower and a saw.

Picture Noah building the arch.

God’s callings on our lives are rarely small. Don’t assume small in the worldly sense either because being a mother caring for small humans, is a big calling.

Jesus will call you out into the water, you need to step in faith and grab his hand to walk across the water to create a new path.

Matthew 14:28-31

28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

29 “Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

If you look at those around you, you will slip and fall, what they have is not what God has for you. It’s ok though, Jesus will be waiting with his hand extended ready to pick you up and walk with you again. 

So back to the bush lot. You stay focused on Jesus and little by little, He helps you cut through the bush lot, clear a path, clear a space to build a house, you build a house. 

The people who live near the bush lot may think you are crazy to build there, no one has ever considered living on that lot, some say the land is no good for a house. Jesus tells you, that is the perfect place for you to dwell, so you try hard not to listen to the neighbours and only listen to God’s voice and you keep building. 

Then you start working on the trail to the lake, so you have easy access to swim.

When all the work is done, years and years later, friendships passed away you go back to where you started your work and you invite others to walk the trail with you. You invite anyone in who wants to come. When you get to the house you serve them dinner and enjoy their company and encourage them on what they are working on and then after dinner you walk to the lake through your carved trail and you all enjoy a swim.

We are enduring a global pandemic. Our world has changed. Have you changed? Has the Lord put a new dream on your heart that seems impossible and scary? Remember He will call you to things that you alone could not accomplish, that’s how you know it’s a God calling because through your obedient walk He will show the world, His glory. That glory will then touch others and allow them to see their God calling and through each individual relationship with our Heavenly Father the Lord will create new paths to healing and refreshing water through His children here on earth. 

But we need to say yes to God, to following His plan for our life. To trust him in following Him to the bush lot with no trails yet. We need to trust that He knows what we don’t know and we need to believe that our faith walk creating new trails will bless others in theirs.

If you are creating a new path and God is leading you, you have nothing to fear, walk and work in faith.

I love you.

Jesus loves you.
