Gratitude Monday - The Sarnia Journal

God has been speaking to my heart for years telling me that if I follow His lead, He will take care of the rest. He told me that it may not always be an easy path, but He will give me what I need to overcome the challenges that are placed on the path we walk together.

I am doing my best to follow God in all I do, I fail often but our God is a forgiving one who is ready to give us another chance tomorrow. I am grateful and amazed how the Lord continues to bless my journey with Him. My story in this weeks edition of The Sarnia Journal is a perfect example of how blessed I am with opportunities to succeed where God is leading me.

If the Lord has ever called you into waters that you think are a little too deep for you, try not to be afraid and jump in holding His hand. He will get you where you need to go and take you places your imagination can't even dream of.

You reading my blog is a big part of my blessings as well, so thank you for stopping by. Life is awesome with God by your side and filled with so much purpose when you are living and working for something so much greater than yourself.

You can check out the full article here.
