A Journey Of Faith

I have been thinking a lot about faith lately. It feels like I walk through a season learning to trust God with more only to find myself at the beginning of a new season of stretching and faith growth. I am grateful for the stretching faith, the discomfort of the unknown, because this is where I grow. In the unknown of walking by faith with God, is where I get to experience God in the everyday, the miraculous in the mundane, the purpose in the imperfect.

I have been on this wild ride of truly trying to follow the Lord with my whole life for about five years now and I am starting to realize that its all a journey, with important purpose along the way and because I have a place in eternity with God, its a journey that doesn’t really have an end. There might be milestones, big moments, direction changing moments but it’s all a steady growth.

Currently, comfort is not an option. Comfort means I am probably not growing or going after the really big stuff I was designed to do. And so, with a peace that surpasses all understanding, I stand at the edge of the water waiting and ready to see where God will call me next, trusting that even if the water is deep and rough, He will make a way for me.

Praying that you feel the guidance of The Holy Spirit within your journey.

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