That Sexy Feeling

For me, sexy is a feeling. I don’t always feel sexy. One of my self love languages is clothing. Clothing has the power to make me feel all different ways. Sometimes it makes me feel safe and comfortable or confident and powerful and sometimes sexy and feminine. I like remembering that I am a sexy being too. There are many days when I wear leggings and mom jeans for days on end and those clothing pieces have their place. But then, I put on my tight jeans or a sexy dress and it not only transforms my appearance, it transforms my mindset. 


Most recently some of my pieces from Lace and Charm have been giving me the sexy vibes. It doesn’t even always have to be the fit, it could be a print that evokes a certain kind of emotion or feeling. I love that I can use fashion to match a mood or encourage one on a less confident day. I love that fashion allows me to express the many facets of my personality. Fashion is one of my languages of self expression and self discovery. When I see myself a certain way everyday (mostly mom) and then put on something that shows a side of me that exists (sexy self) but I don’t see that often, it can be life giving. 

What is a medium that helps you to discover and express your many facets?

Photos JN Creative Photography 

Outfit Lace and Charm 

Shop the top here 

Shop the skirt here 
