How To Wake Up Early


Well most days, let’s be real, life happens.

Here is how I formed my morning routine over the last five years.


As a new mom at home with my first son Luke, I started to crave a peaceful start to my days.


At that time I was reading one Bible verse a day whenever I could squeeze it in.

When Luke started sleeping through the night, I started to wake up a little before him for coffee, my one Bible verse and sometimes some very light yoga. 

This routine ebbed and flowed with the ever evolving routine of a child in its first year. Along the road I found the First 5 app as I craved more of a relationship God. 

My goal each morning evolved into starting my day with God and strengthening my faith. Rising up to read the Bible and study along with the First 5 team has proved to be transformative over the last 5 years. 

After I completed my Bible study I moved onto work, to check off a few items and was often able to start getting ready before the kids woke up. 

Over the 5 years I was also pregnant with Elizabeth and became a mom of two. The ups and downs of the morning routine is part of life because while I am aware of what I need to start my day great, life happens and can move in different directions for some time. We will always find our way back though, if the foundation has been established, we will find our way back to what fuels us.

Then 2020 quarantine hit and three weeks in I knew this was my season to start moving regularly again. I was convicted, I felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit and so I added movement to my morning routine. 

Here I am today, my ideal morning has me up between 5-5:30 starting the coffee pot, brushing teeth and sitting down with my Bible. 

6:30-7 I might hop on social media for a bit. 

7-7:30 I start my workout and then get ready for the day from there.

I am no expert on morning routines only that this kind of morning sets me up for a successful day.

I have given some thought to my successful times and here are some things that have helped me stay the course and know this work is for the long haul, one day at a time.

  1. Set An Intention - set an intention and reason for rising early that is so meaningful you can’t hit snooze on the alarm.

  2. Choose Cup Filling Activities - when you can eventually see the fruit of your labour you want to keep gardening. Reading the Bible and spending time with God has transformed all aspects of my life for the better, I need God everyday. Moving has increased my positivity, energy levels and the way I look at food as fuel for my body. 

  3. Get Organized - lay out your clothes the night before. Get the coffee pot or your favourite morning drink ready to go. Get your tools organized so when you are tired you can just go through the motions. 

  4. Find A Community - with both my Bible Study and movement I have a community that walks the road beside me. They help me learn by sharing what they are learning and they keep me accountable by also showing up daily. Even though both of these communities are online, I feel connected and in my current season of life, this is what I need. 

  5. Stay The Course - you will miss days, weeks and months but when life allows ,come back to it. Come back to the work, even if it’s in the smallest chunk, don’t ever just give up completely. 


My mornings are developing me. They are small but they are consistent. In five years I read the entire Bible. In daily doses of 15 mins a day for 5 years I read the entire Bible. To me that is amazing and reminds me that those tiny dark morning hours will always produce something good when offered to the Lord first and dedicated to productive tasks. 

If you are looking for a community to encourage you on your walk to a healthier more fulfilling life, check out Goal Diggers, a free encouragement group on Facebook where all are welcome. My sister Emily and I show up each day to connect with the community and lead in purposeful living.

For all of my Beach Body clients I run the Find Your Groove Facebook group. Here I lead others through developing their own consistent routines and we all encourage each other to stay the course in spite of life’s ever changing flow. I run a variety of contests through this group to keep it interesting and fun for participants and am so grateful for the community being formed in this online space.

If you are not sure where to start but would like to chat more about it, I would love for you to send me an email

Everyday is a gift filled with an opportunity to honour God, show gratitude for the gifts we have been given and grow as individuals, I want to be sure I am waking up to get rolling on that work everyday.

