Soul Purpose Bars Review

I have been eating Soul Purpose Bars for a few months now and they are a delicious and purposeful snack, so much so I had to share them, with all the details in a blog post.

This Ontario made snack has a really cool story and these snack bars really are made with purpose.

Here is the soul and purpose behind Soul Purpose Bars. Renee, Soul Purpose Bars Founder, started working away on a Culinary Arts Certificate with the hopes of choosing a more fulfilling career path and part way through her studies she switched to Culinary Nutrition. She has always had a passion for food and shared that on her blog but when she started to learn about the purpose food can work in our bodies, her passion for food evolved into Soul Purpose Bars.

The Empower-Mint Bar was born after Renee's dad was involved in a serious car crash and was left with a significant brain injury. She designed this bar with real good ingredients that are excellent brain food. I love the passion and purpose behind this company and it feels so good knowing these snack bars fuel my mind and body and they taste delicious too.

My favourite snack to enjoy right now with my afternoon latte is the Soul Purpose Empower-MINT Bar. It tastes like a treat and looks like one too but is so good for my mind and body. It contains walnuts which are omega-3 powerhouses and considered the best nut for brain health. Cocoa and dark chocolate both contain naturally occurring flavonoids that are full of antioxidants and keep your brain in peak working condition. And pure peppermint oil is pure genius for enhancing mood, memory and motivation!

Soul Purpose Bars are not your average snack bar, they are made with purpose and consideration in terms of their ingredients, how they fuel our body and also in how the business came to be. You can read more about Soul Purpose Bars on their website here. You can also order the bars directly from the website and locally in Sarnia at Pure Local Organics.

