Beachbody Gut Protocol Review

My takeaways from 4 weeks of Gut Protocol 

I did not know I could feel this good.  Before the program, I felt tired and sluggish and I was just dealing with it. I felt anxious and scattered all the time and I was just living with it. My anxiety is so low now and I am learning how to manage it better. 

My mind is becoming more clear because of what I am putting in my body and it’s making me a more patient person.

Nutrition is more important than movement. I have always been so focused on movement and routine but the battle is won in the kitchen.

I am more confident when I eat this way. 

I wasn’t eating enough of the right food to properly fuel my body. 

I can do things I never imagined I would do, like thriving without coffee. I don’t feel exhausted after the kids go to bed at night. Now there are many nights I stay up until 11pm and still get up at 5am-6am.

My family needed me to make these changes to my diet so I could learn how to serve them better. Big nutrition changes are happening for everyone in our home but it needed to start with me.

Everything is connected. This is a turning point for my personal wellness journey, my faith walk, my family and my business. 

My taste buds were so over stimulated. Real food tasted dull at the beginning of this program but now I am tasting all my food with a refreshed palette. 

I used to eat mindlessly throughout the day. With this program and tracking what I eat, I am so much more intentional choosing foods and making meals and snacks that will fuel me. 

I love tracking because it helps me understand the right portions of each food group that I need within a day.

I was having trouble this year with pain in my heels and since doing Gut Protocol my heel pain is gone, I don’t need to wear shoes around the house and I am even strengthening my feet by working out bare foot. 

My goal going into this program was to simply learn how to fuel my body better so I could perform better in everyday life. I achieved that goal and surpassed it. I feel like I have been trying to figure out how to eat like an adult since I became an adult and this just all makes so much sense to me. It was challenging to get my mind around the changes at first and I still have so much to learn about feeding myself and my family but I am so excited about this chapter on my wellness journey and helping others experience their own amazing results too. 

If any of this speaks to you, I would love to help you through this program too. If it scares you, you probably need to try it out. I was scared too, now I feel empowered to keep going! 

My next challenge group for Gut Protocol starts on May 9 2022, send me an email here to get in on this life changing program.

