Strong Body, Mind and Soul

13 months ago I felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit 

“No more excuses Heather, you have time to move so get moving”. This is how I interpreted God’s voice in my head, through prayer and scripture but the nudge was clear. For years I had said I didn’t have time to workout, well now I did.

We were in lockdown/quarantine and I had time. So I started moving. I needed movement in so many ways, I had become stagnant with movement of my body and stagnant with movement of who I was. I wasn’t really challenging myself to become bette, to move forward. I challenged myself to start with 30 days, move everyday for 30 days and I did it. Next I signed up as a Beachbody Coach, committing to myself that I would continue to show up and share my journey honestly. It is not easy to show up for the important work everyday, it can be very mundane. A huge piece of the Beachbody culture is personal development. I thought personal development was silly. I thought I didn’t need to work on personal development, I was doing just fine. I studied the Bible and learned lessons from that all the time but God was nudging me towards more. The Lord corrects those He loves just like a parent corrects their child. I committed to jump in with both feet so with resistance, I still took part in vision casting, reading some books and listening to some personal development podcasts. You know what happened? I started to see areas in my life that needed work. I started to identify things that were holding me back from living more fully. The personal work is hard but it’s very rewarding. Now I know that the work as a Beachbody Coach isn’t just about strong bodies, it’s about strong minds and souls too, because it’s all encompassing. Over the last 13 months I have had the opportunity now to see how the mundane daily work over time, can produce great fruit.

I have also had the amazing blessing of being pregnant and giving birth to our third child, over the last year. I will dive into working out, through pregnancy in a different post but for the purpose of this post, I will simply say, that could have been a very easy excuse to take me off track from moving everyday.

I am 8 weeks postpartum and feel great, energetic, joyful and hopeful for the future. God is good, He has answered my prayers but I had to show up too. I always need to meet God at the edges of my Red Sea, I need to take the steps of faith to get to the place where I then, get to watch God part the waters. This postpartum experience is so different from the other two I have had. I can see my vitality also reflected in how Evelyn is currently thriving. So, it’s worth it, the small good choices everyday are worth it. Start today. Jump in, read the book, pray to God. listen to the podcast, journal, it’s sure to take you somewhere good. 

xoxo Heather