Thoughts From My Workouts

Movement has advanced my faith walk.

Often while I workout, I meditate on scripture or listen to a sermon and I can see so many parallels between my fitness journey and my faith journey. Time in movement can activate a faith lesson I have learned and help me to better understand it, making me more bold in my faith. Recently, during or after my workouts I have these realizations that are so powerful, I need to share them. I started doing quick videos on Facebook LIVE or Instagram and then also sharing them on my YouTube channel.

Check out the playlist here.

This deepening of my understanding of faith, through movement has also made me more bold in my faith walk. I feel so confident and filled with the Holy Spirit after moving my body, I can share the lessons from God with greater conviction and passion. Check out my most recent revelation below and if the message resonates with you, I hope you will subscribe to my channel.