Guest Blogger - Jazmine Fedora - Positive Powerful Birth Story

Jazmine is a friend I met through Instagram while she was pregnant. I was so inspired by her wellness journey throughout her pregnancy, I know it gave me motivation to show up for my own movement each day through pregnancy. I am grateful she has shared her birth story with me and all of you.

I don’t know if my birth story is considered powerful but it is to me since I’d never had a baby before and how COOL is it when you have one!? I had read up about contractions and timing them and all that jazz so I thought I would be pretty sure when it was happening.

I woke up August 19, 2020 at 4am having to pee - you know the feeling when you’ve held it too long? That feeling. I went and it didn’t really get better but it was 4am so I went back to sleep. I woke up a few more times with that feeling but didn’t think anything of it. By 9am I had texted and called a few friends asking what was happening, I had this horrible aching and pain in my back, 5 minutes apart and lasting for a minute or longer. But I was sure contractions were in the front. Finally at 11am August 19, 2020 my boyfriend forced me to go to the hospital and guess what? I wasn’t ready. I got sent home. My biggest fear haha. I spent the whole day in the bathtub and walking just confused if this wasn’t the real thing then how would I know? 2am August 20, 2020 (my due date!). I am SCREAMING and again forced to go the hospital - so anxious and nervous I would be sent home again.

I WAS ADMITTED. It was go time. I was still only 3cm dilated but was told I was experiencing back labour which apparently is the worst kind. I was optimistic and accepted all pain intervention. Nothing helped lol. Finally I was ready for the epidural at 9:30am, I could hardly wait. As I was getting ready for it my water broke! That was wild. After the epidural it was BLISS. I’m not even lying. I couldn’t feel a thing, I didn’t have to stand up to go pee, I had all the drinks of ginger ale, water, orange juice you name it. By 1:00pm I was ready to push! Like you see in movies I was ready. I pushed the little dude out so quick. 1:30pm on the dot he was out and in my arms. I couldn’t believe how easy it was and how much I ENJOYED it? It was amazing and cool and exhilarating all at once. I had a minor tear and 2 stitches and that’s it. Pearson James Morley Wilfong was a perfect 7lb 5oz, 20inches long and born right on his due date. I would do it all again in a heartbeat. I wouldn’t even think twice. One of the best experiences and moments in my life hands down!

- Jazmine Fedora

Thank you so much Jazmine for sharing this very powerful story with me and this community. I love hearing all the different birth experiences and how each mother takes away her own special memories.