Guest Blogger - Mother and Sol Doula

I am so excited to introduce Javiera owner and Doula at Mother and Sol Doula. I have many friends that are currently pregnant or have given birth during our pandemic and I can only imagine what it would be like. I was so happy when Javi reached out to me with an interest to share some helpful information regarding pregnancy, birth and postpartum during a pandemic. Check out her article below. Learn more about Mother and Sol Doula and all of the online classes they are currently offering on their website here.

Becoming a mother is an experience that totally rocks your world. Having a baby is wonderful and transformational, but it is also difficult and exhausting. New parents can struggle to transition, but this is always made easier by the guidance and advice of a supportive village of friends, family and local resources.

A world pandemic is probably the last thing most parents expected when thinking about their pregnancy and birth.  Navigating pregnancy and postpartum during a time of rapidly changing hospital policies, limited support persons during labour and limited in-person time with care providers can be overwhelming and make the transition into parenthood a more difficult one. It may even leave some parents feeling unsupported and like there's no one to turn to for advice. And while social distancing helps to keep us all safe, it also keeps us apart from family, friends and a support system.

Mother&Sol Doula Services has gathered a list of community resources, available virtually for new and expectant parents. Check the list HERE.

Within the last month, hospital policies have changed so much!! It can be hard to make decisions about your birth plan and maternity care when you feel like you can’t catch up with the latest information. 

Making informed choices about your care and your baby’s

Here’s a #doulatip: If an intervention or medical procedure is offered to you during your pregnancy or during your birth, remember to use the acronym B.R.A.I.N. For example, if an induction or epidural is suggested, you can use this technique to help you have an informed discussion with your provider.

Become informed about childbirth and postpartum! Take a prenatal class, read empowering birthing books and educate yourself on the signs of postpartum mental health disorders. Consider hiring a doula to support you (virtually!!) during your pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

When you need to make a decision about your maternity care, use your....png

What’s a doula?

A doula is a trained professional that provides parents with evidence-based information and continuous non-judgemental support during the transition to parenthood. 

Mother and Sol continues to provide virtual doula services and prenatal classes to the Sarnia community during this pandemic. You can find more information about Mother and Sol HERE


What a doula has to say…

Keeping open lines of communication with your provider is probably the most important step at feeling cared for and supported during your birth. Let your OB or midwife know about your fears and concerns. If you have questions about your upcoming labour, ask them! And let them know about any wishes you have for your birth.

There is a never-ending amount of information out there and it can be hard to find simple answers to your questions about COVID and how it affects your pregnancy, upcoming birth and even breastfeeding your baby. Below are some evidence-based facts by the World Health Organization to help you feel more informed through this process.

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