
You are a light of joy to anyone you come in contact with.

When you see a bird you say "hold it" and then run after it. I love your determination so I encourage you to try again next time, when the bird flies away.

You have excellent manners.

You have just started to climb. Today you attempted to climb the oven, it scared me, I yelled, you cried. 

Your really friendly and comfortable in church, last week you sat with the couple behind us for a little instead of with me. 

If a sport involves a ball and something you hit the ball with, you approach it like hockey. 

When dad and I tell you we love you, you respond with "moon and back" because we have always said "we love you to the moon and back". 

You impress me daily with what you learn in a day. 

You love to read books. 

Your favourite show is Peppa Pig.

Your dad and I share glances and smile frequently that require no words when all three of us are together that say, "wow, I can't believe he is ours". 

We have started to explain to you that you will be a big brother, you respond, "baby in belly".

You love running up and down hills.

You were created with a purpose and its my job to help you figure out what that purpose is, its going to be a fun adventure.
