Preparation | Editors Note

I love the anticipation of Christmas! I love the preparation of Christmas. Sitting in the aftermath of the Holidays I realize I enjoy the anticipation more than the actual holiday itself. I love the preparation more than the holiday. I love the festivities and everything we do to celebrate the season. Like I said before, I am a Christmas Eve girl over Christmas Day every year.

Now that I have realized this about myself I have started to wonder, how can I bring that joy for preparation into the rest of the year. I have also wondered why, why am I like this?

I believe my life is a walk of preparation for the day when Jesus returns to this earth to take His children home. I believe it is wired in me to live for the preparation, to live with a heart preparing for the most glorious day our earth will ever know. It only makes sense that my heart delights in all the preparations to celebrate the day Jesus was born.

How can I fill my heart all year long, not just living for the next big thing but enjoying all the everyday celebrations that carry my through life to the next big event.

I can plan a little more, something I have been fearful of, moving a lot of times, day by day. A skill that is sometimes good and other times a detriment as I think I miss opportunities for lack of planning.

And so what will I prepare for next? A few out of town family adventures for one. And my heart, daily will continue to prepare for the day when I will meet my saviour. Working on living my life in preparation with an eternal perspective. I am grateful for my joy of preparation, now to just take it a step further in being more ready for what is to come.

