July Editors Note

2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and sound mind.

The kids have been out of school for three days so far, we have enjoyed the beach and splash pad a few times and yesterday was a project day around the house. I cleaned the BBQ, a dirty and fairly extensive project as it had not been cleaned since we purchased it a year ago. Once in awhile I enjoy projects like this because as I work I have time to think. I thought about what this summer will look like. It feels a bit different for me this year, maybe because the kids are always growing or maybe because I have a few dreams and projects on my plate that I didn’t have last year, but it feels different.


I can definitely feel the transition. I think I avoided the feeling of transition the first two days of summer break keeping us busy swimming, splashing and playing but after yesterday, the transition has settled over me. I was tired after playing so hard with the kids a few days in a row, while I intend on having as many days like that as I can, I know its not sustainable daily. I also feel a calling to step back a little, let them try to start creating their own fun around home without my constant guidance. 

Each new season brings change. In the spring I dreamt about what this summer would look like, comparing it so much to what last summer looked like. It will be similar in ways but it will not be the same. We are all always growing, changing and evolving and so as we try to recreate memories from seasons past, they will never be exactly the same. The constant evolution makes it hard for me to find my footing in new seasons but as the verse states above, God has not given me a spirit of fear. I do not have to fear what I do not know but simply trust Him, give it all to Him and allow Him to guide me into each new season.

In the end, this trusting in God with new seasons and my constant development into who God created me to be, is what makes this life so exciting. Some days I feel mixed up when I can feel change coming, I am not always sure if I am coming or going but God knows and He created me for this path, so I can ride out the odd days and move boldly in the good days,  knowing I have been anointed with power, love and sound mind.

Whatever is waiting for you this summer, don’t trust the fear, its not from God , know that you have been created of power, love and a sound mind.

I am planning an event for the Fall and its going to bring our community together in the most positive way. Event details including who will be speaking and ticket sale links will be released first to my email list. Please subscribe below so you don’t miss any details and the opportunity at tickets as this event will sell out. Just scroll to the bottom of the page where you see box that day email address, enter your email and hit the “Sign Up” button.
