March Editors Note

Have you ever wished for something and then when your dream started to come true you got a little scared? Maybe this isn’t what I wanted after all? 

I am currently experiencing some of these emotions. Some exciting work is on the horizon for me and it is what I have been working towards. I am excited! But there is a little piece inside of me that feels fearful. Mostly fearful of change and the unknown.

I am reading Unexpected by Christine Caine. It is a powerful book that I believe God lead me to for this current season I am in. It’s His gift of strength for me at this time right now.  I am learning that even with fear present, I can still move forward in faith. I can choose to feed my faith not my fear.

We have all been set apart. We have all been designed with a unique purpose. There is bound to be fear in our individual walks because we can’t find comfort in the crowd. Yes we can look to others who have gone before us in similar ways but no one walking in the fullness of who God created them to be will look exactly like another persons walk.  

The last few months I have been focusing on committing my work to the Lord. The second part of this verse says “and He will establish your plans”. Now it’s time for me to move forward in faith knowing that all the change and advancement is established by God and even if fear is knocking at my door, I can trust God and continue to move forward and grow.

Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

Lets walk with unique purpose and faith filled steps together. I love you! 
