Maternity Journey Three

I am about 10 weeks pregnant as I start to write this.


I have been reflecting a lot on my two previous pregnancies and how much I have grown, from when I was first pregnant with Luke to now. How each pregnancy is as different as the humans I am growing and how, as I do this journey the third time around, there are a few extra people alongside me for the ride.

The other day Lizzy asked to see my belly so she could put her hand on it and talk to the baby. Its her baby too and the experience is hers to share in as well. This is different and really cool. Luke is 6 years old and Lizzy is 4.

I walk through life with God. During pregnancy I feel this drawing inward, like God is calling me too slow down and reconsider how I do things. This can simply be seen through my lack of energy and my inability to accomplish what I normally accomplish somedays. Something inside me offers shelter from the stormy world that normally screams at me to go faster. No, pregnancy says to me, “the only way to do this is slowly”.

After finding out we were pregnant, in addition to the feelings of gratitude and excitement, I was met with feelings of resistance to the slow. I know whats coming, the slow will seep in and the only thing to do is embrace it and sometimes let it cuddle you to sleep for an afternoon nap. Slow goes against what normally fuels me but I have been through many slow seasons before and I know they always produce good fruit.

And so, I do what I can with each day that has been given to me and trust God for the rest, His grace is sufficient for me. In the slow I am not capable of doing everything but I can do some things. I know that no matter what I can accomplish, God is always at work in my life.

I am grateful to be walking this maternity journey for the third time and excited for all the changing of shape that will take place alone this road.

Thank you for sharing in this joy with us.


