Tips For A Strong Summer

I am sitting down to work for 1 - 2 hours. After I clean the lunch dishes, I work on applying myself to my online business for at least an hour while my children play and or watch a movie. I have had this specific blog post on my mind for a few weeks now and I am so excited to finally be formulating it. We are in the middle of packing to move to Rothsay NB in July but before we move, we will be enjoying a vacation in Ontario with family and friends AND while we are in Ontario, I will be travelling to San Antonio Texas for the BODi Summit. June is going to be the fullest month we have had all year! More responsibilities and juggling of children and tasks will be required over the next few weeks. What I am learning from the last few years of my life, is that challenging seasons are not the time to pull back or throw away the good work that supports my physical, mental and spiritual health. Even though I want to grab at as much comfort as possible in this uncomfortable season, that will not help me move through this at my best or help my family move through this season This is the time to embrace imperfection, release control and stay committed to what serves me.

What serves me in this season is staying committed to my morning routine and feeding my body to fuel it. Here are some strategies I will work on to help me stay committed to my goals.

Commit With Community

Get connected to a community of people who are working towards similar goals and share your goals with them. Check in with them regularly and share the highs and lows of your journey. True accountability means showing up on good and bad days, you are sure to get more out of your journey through sharing, and bless many people along the way. If you are looking for a wellness community to support you in your goals, please send me an email to learn about mine.

Follow A Plan

I am not just wishing and hoping to workout and eat nutrient dense food. I am committed to a specific fitness program and nutrition plan. This is important because on days when I am tired or overwhelmed, I don’t have to think about the work that I need to do, I can just show up and do it.

Utilize Hotel Gyms

I love staying at hotels and I love working out at hotel gyms. I use my online fitness platform to guide my workouts at the hotel gyms. For times when a gym is not available, I tap into body weight workouts on my online platform and always have my resistance loops with me for added challenge.

Communicate Your Goals To Your People

This has been something I have had to learn to do and still need to be intentional about but it has made a huge difference in my success. I tell Tyler why my wellness habits are important to me and he is happy to support me in this work. When staying at hotels, he will often to the kids to the pool for a swim and I will go for a workout.

Hit The Grocery Store

The grocery store has more options for healthier travel snacks and stopping there in place of a drive through will also make your money go further.

Pack Protien

Single servings of protein powder are easy to keep in your purse and add to a water bottle. Protein is going to keep you full longer to help you avoid mindless snacking as well as keep you energized for all those outdoor adventures.

Stay Hydrated

If you need to pee a lot, this is a tough one when travelling. What I try to do is drink lots of water early morning and before bed and then not as much during travel hours. I just get in as much water as I can when I know a bathroom is near by.

I would love to know your strategies for a healthy, strong, full and fun summer, share them in the comments below.



If you are needing support in your wellness journey, I would love to work alongside you. Reach out by email to learn about the tools, supplements and community that has changed my life.