5 Ways To Love Better

Disclaimer, I am not an expert on love or kindness. I am a woman who messes up daily, asks God for forgiveness and then the strength and grace to do better tomorrow. Here are some lessons on love I am learning right now.

Do not take it personally.

I am trying my best to not be easily offended. It’s not always about me. Someone might unknowingly hurt us because they are facing a struggle, if we can brush it off, we could really help in loving that person right where they need to be loved that day.

Remember my extreme imperfection and the love and grace God gives me everyday, in spite of my imperfection.

I am hugely flawed but God loves me and accepts me. When someone I love messes up, I try to remember how much I mess up and how easily God forgives and accepts me. This makes it a lot easier for me to then extend that grace to others.

Share your blessings, whatever your gifts are.

I am finding when I count my blessings I become aware of how much I have to share with others. Here is an example. I am super grateful to be a stay at home mom. I have more flexibility in my schedule than some and so I have been able to help our friends and family members with their childcare in a pinch, from time to time. Our blessings are often gifts we can use to love others well.

Caring for myself helps me to love better.

I try to put myself first and God first every day (like I said at the start, I’m not perfect and fail at this sometimes) but starting my day before everyone in my house wakes up with Bible study, prayer and a coffee, helps me to get rooted in so much good before I then head into the day and pour love into others. This self love act will look different for everyone, maybe its a workout or doing your makeup and reading a book each day but I encourage you to find something every day that shows yourself love.

Surround yourself with different people.

Being around people that are different than myself helps me to be aware of the huge world that surrounds me. Getting to know people with different beliefs, upbringing and lifestyles gives me perspective on how small my little world is and broadens my abilities to be compassionate. This is something I am really focused on this year, getting to know more people, deepening relationships and sharpening my listening skills.

I believe love has extreme power, sharpening our love skills will make us better people and impact our world but it starts with us as individuals.

Michael Jackson said it best

“I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you want to make the world a better place

Take a look at yourself, and then make a change”

